Tashkent State Medical Institute (1931-1990)
- In 1931, the medical faculty was renamed into a medical institute. In 1931, the first director was GP Fedorov, who was now dean of the medical faculty, and at the end of this year was appointed director of the Institute HU Umarov.
- In 1932, the institute had 177 teachers, 25 of them professors, 26 assistant professors, 104 assistants and 1099 students.
- In 1935 the Tashkent Medical Institute was known as the Central Asian Medical Institute. In 1937, 1,400 students studied at the institute.
- Tashkent State Medical Institute trained 2,122 physicians out of them 1,630 were sent to foreign countries.
- In 1960-1967, the evening department of the medical faculty was opened.
- In 1961, the institute had 4,000 students, of whom 2,395 were indigenous women.
- In 1972, more than 10 thousand students were engaged in the 2nd medical, pediatric, sanitary-hygienic, and dental faculties and 1,500 enrolled for 1 course.
In 1961 in Tashkent State Medical Institute there were 22 students from foreign countries, in 1980 their number exceeds 170. - By the end of 1980, the institute had 1,042 faculty members, including 6 academicians, 24 Uzbek doctors, 90 doctors of medical sciences, professors, 207 candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, students.First and Second
Tashkent State Medical Institute

Why Tashkent Medical Academy is Best Suited for Indian Students?
Leading medical university in the republic of Uzbekistan.
- 1.Oldest National Government Medical University
- 2.One of the Most Reputed University in the CIS Countries
Today, Tashkent Medical Academy is the leading medical university in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it holds first place in the Ranking of the Best Medical Universities of the country. Most of the heads of medical institutions in Uzbekistan are alumni of Tashkent Medical Academy. 10 out of 13 Republican specialized scientific and practical medical centres of the Republic of Uzbekistan are headed by graduates of TMA.
- Undergraduates: 6234
- Graduates: 1851
Fully English Medium Teaching Instruction International Education Standard MBBS/MD Degree acceptable across the world
8,000 contiguous acres campus
700 major building
97% of undergraduates live on campus
- 6,000+ externally sponsored projects
- $1.2 million total budget
- Interuniversity research laboratory and Joint Research Centre, established at
Tashkent Medical Academy, are unique institutions that ensure effective integration of education and science, contributing to improving the quality of scientific research, actively attracting students to scientific research and the wide implementation of science results in the educational process and medical practice.
- 803 faculty members
- 4:1 student to faculty ratio F) Clinics / Hospitals / Buildings
- Own 10 Clinic / hospital in Campus
- More than 28 associated hospitals and clinics in Tashkent city. Clinical
- Exposure at Campus Hospital
- All Medical Department & Research Centre inside the Campus
- 8,000 contiguous acres campus
- 700 major buildings
- 97% of undergraduates live on campus
The main research unit of the academy is the Central Research Laboratory (CRL). There are going on 25 projects, out of them 18 are applied, 3 – fundamental, 2 – innovation, 2 are for youth. 160 staff members are involved in the implementation of grants.
There are 7 specialized scientific councils functioning at the academy.
In The Academy Function:
- Profile medical societies that help future doctors to increase their level of knowledge.
- Information resource centre, that created on the basis of the oldest medical library of Central Asia and nowadays it is the one of the largest medical information centres in Republic of Uzbekistan.
- A Sports Complex, Corresponding to the international Olympic Standards.
- A student campus, equipped with everything necessary for the productive training of future doctors.
- As well as medical museum, printing house, Wi-Fi zone and comfortable places for students’ self-study.
- Medical Faculty
- Medical -Prophylactic Faculty
- Medical -Pedagogical Faculty
- Military Medicine Faculty
- Faculty of Higher Nursing
- Professional training Faculty
- Master Degree Specialization – 46
- Clinical residency Courses – 38
The collective of professors and teachers consists of high-qualified specialists, who correspond to international standards. They regularly widen their knowledge and improve their professional skills in the best foreign institutions.
More than 40 leading Foreign -institution around the world
More than 120 Foreign internships of specialists of the academy More than 1000 Invited Foreign experts
Development of international cooperation in the field of medical education and science is one of the priorities of Tashkent Medical Academy.
Within the framework of international cooperation, the Academy is actively developing scientific and practical relations with leading foreign medical educational institutions on various directions of public health services, carrying out joint medical scientific events, participating in international projects, inviting leading foreign professors to Uzbekistan for joint educational activities.
Many leading experts of various medical institutions of the all continents of the world proudly bear the name of alumni of the Tashkent Medical Academy.
Own 10 Clinic / hospital in Campus
More than 28 associated hospitals and clinics in Tashkent city. Clinical Exposure at Campus Hospital All Medical Department & Research Centre inside the Campus
- Medical Faculty
- Medical -Prophylactic Faculty
- Medical -Pedagogical Faculty
- Military Medicine Faculty
- Faculty of Higher Nursing
- Professional training Faculty
- Master Degree Specialization – 46
- Clinical residency Courses – 38
The collective of professors and teachers consists of high-qualified specialists, who correspond to international standards. They regularly widen their knowledge and improve their professional skills in the best foreign institutions.
- Faculty – 803
- Academicians 3
- Professors – 97
- Docents/ lecturers – 183 Assistant lecturers – 357
- Doctors of Sciences – 176 Ph.D. – 396
- Total – 2015 staff
- Scientific potential – 70.2%
Departments of Medical Faculty In Tashkent Medical Academy
- Department of Pathological Anatomy
- Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases
- Department of General and Pediatric Surgery
- Department of Faculty and Faculty Hospital Therapy N1
- Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery N1
- Department of Children’s Diseases N1
- Department of Children’s Diseases N2
- Department of ENT and Stomatology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology
- Department of Urology
- Department of Internal Diseases N2
- Department of Surgical Diseases
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N2
Departments of Medical-Pedagogical Faculty
- Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
- Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Education
- Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy N2
- Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery N2
- Department of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Phthisiology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Oncology and Beam Diagnostics
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Clinical Pharmacology
- Department of Internal diseases N3
- Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics, Military field Surgery and Neurosurgery
Departments of Medical-Prophylactic Faculty
- Department of Histology and Medical Biology Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry
- Department of Informatics and Biophysics
- Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy
- Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
- Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Hematology, Transfusiology and Laboratory Affairs
- School of Public Health
- Department of Environmental Hygiene
- Department of Communal Hygiene and Occupational Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Hygiene of Children, Adolescents and Nutrition
Departments of Higher Nursing Faculty
- Department of Social Sciences
- Department of Languages
- Department of Public Health, Organization and Management of Public Health
- Department of Forensic Medicine
- Department of Nursing
- Departments of Professional Training Faculty
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1
- Department of Dermatovenerology
- Department of Traumatology, Orthopedic and military surgery No 1
- Department of Internal Diseases N1
- Department of Retraining & Advanced Training of the General Practitioner of TMA